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5 Reviews

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Parent, Melissa
In-Person Camp
Minecraft - Mod Developer
13 August, 2022

Response Added

Great immersion, pricey

This was our first time at a FunTech residential camp, although my kids have been going to sleep-away camps for years. Competent, well-trained staff and very nice facility. For the price I was expecting more: surprised that it wasn’t a full week (5 nights only); no swag (typically a camp will...


FunTech Response

Our website  clearly states that our residential camp is a five night stay. During booking there is an option for an extended stay, for a small fee, that includes Friday and Saturday night.

With reference to 'swag' which I presume is a goodie bag - with the current economic climate, the pricing for goodie bags was astronomical and instead of increasing the fees we decided to not include.

The silicone bracelet was more for the operations team, to be aware of the children who were on the residential camp as opposed to day students.

All emails that are addressed to, come into our mailbox, which also allows for any spelling errors.

The telephone number and email on our welcome pack are correct and have been the same since 1996. 

I can only apologise for not getting back to you, though we have no messages or emails that are outstanding, so not sure where these were sent.

We feel that our residential location is outstanding, one of the top schools in the country for which we have to pay a hefty price tag. 

In addition our residential has a dedicated pastoral team and the children do premium activities for example scuba diving.

FunTech make a huge investment in curricula development and tutor training, delivering outstanding quality which is why our courses are successful.

That said, I am glad to read that you thought it was great immersion and your son had a good week of coding.

Parent, Ashleigh
Virtual Camp
7 January, 2022

Great Courses but not very kind to computer illiterate parents as everything is online

My Children have enjoyed the courses at Funtech and although expensive I think they are worth it. Their Computer Support Guy Lucas is amazing and helps download the programmes the children need. My only gripe is all messages are all on the website so you will get a text message on your phone th...


Parent, Sabrina
In-Person Camp
3D Game Design - Developer
2 September, 2021

very nice camp

my son enjoyed his week at fun tech in London. Thanks for the support.

Parent, Naresh
In-Person Camp
FunTyper - Touch Typing
26 June, 2018

Expensive childcare

Very disappointed with this course. It was not cheap and the tuition was very minimal. Studying conditions were bad enough to give my child back ache problems. All in all it seemed expensive childcare which is not what we needed.