The negatives outweighed the positives
To give credit where credit is due, the first week was quite a productive week and I learned a lot. However, what would have otherwise been a great 2nd week of the course was overshadowed by the lack of interest and enthusiasm by the Tutor who was constantly forgetting what he was teaching, encounte
To give credit where credit is due, the first week was quite a productive week and I learned a lot. However, what would have otherwise been a great 2nd week of the course was overshadowed by the lack of interest and enthusiasm by the Tutor who was constantly forgetting what he was teaching, encountering issues with his own code and when asked for help in something as simple as maximizing the screen, he lied to me about it not being possible in the language even though later on in the day, I had found that it was indeed possible. It was so evident that he was uninterested As a Tutor who I hope to learn not only the game (that is taught in the course) from, but also other basic information that is required for me to understand the foundation of pygame, his knowledge of how, what and why regarding the language itself was so poor that I ended up having to rely on the internet for help, more than him during the course. Despite there not being enough experience and knowledge of the Tutor at his end, the most frustrating part was towards the end of the course when instead of helping anyone with their code at all, he spent over 90% of the lesson fixing a technical hardware error at another student's end which meant that towards the end of the course where there was no source material (e.g videos) and we were 100% reliant on the tutor himself, he simply wasn't available and the saddest part of it all is, even if he was, I doubt he would have any idea of how to help us with our code. I came into this course with high expectations which, in the beginning, were getting fulfilled, but the second half of the course ruined it for me.
Also, there has been a technical issue where during one particular session, the Tutor had forgotten to turn off my screen sharing which lead to my wallpaper being permanently changed to black. Do I just simply change my wallpaper or is there a fix to the issue which reverts the computer to how it was before the screen sharing?