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Summer Camps


Starts 1st February 10:00 (GMT)

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1,551 Reviews

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Student, Thomas, 13
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

it was fun

very good , very helpful, very fun

Student, Bizzi, 14
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

python coder

this course was very good, I definitely expanded my knowledge and enjoyed it a lot.

Student, Pippa, 12
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Great learning experience.

Python coding has been a good course, and it has taught me much about the different kinds of data, if, elif, and else statements, for and while loops, user input, linear searches, and much more. If your child likes computer science at school, I highly recommend this course. I have been participat


Student, Brandon, 12
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Awesome Camp

Thanks to Bilal on teaching us how to use Python while giving us an amazing experience and a great time. These were one of the best two weeks of my life!

I learned a lot about how to code using Python and implemented it into games and activities.

Student, Yash, 12
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Best 2 Weeks Of My Life

Bilal is a great tutor who balances fun with learning. At the camp we learnt lots of algorithms and at the end we put the code to the test to make a hangman game which was very good. Thank you FunTech and Bilal.

Student, Grace, 11
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020


This was a really great camp. I learnt a lot and it was really fun. I would recommend it. Thanks Funtech for this amazing experience and for giving me a great time.

Student, Rares, 12
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

I loved the camp

I started out with basically no knowledge about python then went all the way to creating games and it was never ever boring and I had a great time.

Student, Rishaan, 11
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Fun tech Review by Tim Tiny

My time at fun tech camp was really fun, I took in all of the information our tutor gave us, and at the end of the course I had a much better view of coding then before. Our tutor, Bilal was really interactive and gave us a positive experience over the two weeks we coded.

Student, Edoardo, 11
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Two Weeks Of Amazing Fun And Learning

Bilal was ous tutor most of the time, ItS AmAzInG
I want to do something like this again.

Student, Konstantin, 13
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

It was very noice

(Abul was my tutor) thought the course was fun and our tutor was very engaged with the class and we got a lot done in the course even when it was a virtual course. I believe the course is definitely something worth doing.

Student, Anabel, 13
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Best Camp and also My First Coding Camp

These two weeks with Abul have been one of the best two weeks of any my holidays. I started Python in year 9 and did not understand anything at all. If statements were particularly a challenge for me but on the course, the basics were explained simply and clearly providing a solid foundation. Abu


Student, Iris, 12
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Great two weeks Ü

It was fun, our tutor Abul, was really nice. He gave us extra work to do after we had finished the actual course. I've learnt python much faster and in more detail than school computing lessons. The smaller classes for the rest of the week made it easier to learn. I had loads of fun and, hopefully,


Student, Julian, 13
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020


Very Good excepty my tutor Abul is not on the tutor list ;-;

Student, Ben, 13
Virtual Camp
Python - Coder
17 April, 2020

Great camp!

I loved this camp. I learned so much and the staff were very nice. I would definitely recommend this to a friend. I was allowed to go at my own pace, and the 15 minute break was very useful so that I could go through everything that i had been taught. Best computer camp ever!

Student, Rudy, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
19 December, 2019

good i guess

good as i learned python

Student, Kiitan, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
19 December, 2019

Great opportunity

This was a great opportunity to learn a coding language, the support was phenomenal. My Tutor was the best when ever we needed to take things slowly she would teach at a speed I could understand, we got plenty of work done and because of this experience I would really like to continue learning pyth


Student, Akshatha, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
25 October, 2019

Creative Codes and experience

I think this camp was brilliant. I really enjoyed this. I got to learn new things which is interesting. I got to understand the different things in python coding. This was very enjoyable and I would very much love to come again. This was the best half term. Thank you.

Student, Bilaal, 10
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
25 October, 2019

Best Week!

I found python coding good because now I can code better. My favourite part was when we made the for loop repeating numbers.

Student, Humza, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
25 October, 2019

Amazing Week

Some bits were hard and some bits were easy. I learnt a lot about coding. It was a great experience/

Student, Stefan, 9
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
25 October, 2019

funtech is great

I think funtech is brilliant and is really fun

Student, Roberto, 15
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
25 October, 2019


A great camp with great tutors.
Overall a great learning experience. Would definitely recommend.

Student, Diya, 14
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
30 August, 2019


Great Fun! Learnt a lot about python that will really benefit me since python is part of the GCSE course.

Student, Pasha, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
30 August, 2019

funtech python

It was very good and i learnt a lot

Student, Calista, 13
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
30 August, 2019

it was very fun

it really helped me learn , the people were really nice and the tutor was really helpful and constructive. I went home feeling like I had genuinely learnt something and I had a lot of fun.

Parent, Kerensa
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019

Python Coder review

My son loved the course. He says he has learnt a lot, which is the most important thing.

Parent, Raghunadh
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019

Python Coder review

This is quite an informative session for kids. Truly inspiring kids to enter into tech. The tutor Sam is really good, enthusiastic and quite friendly to kids. My daughter is so happy that she attended this course and learnt good skills. Glad to see these exciting courses available on Funtech. Look


Student, Kaci, 9
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019


it is a awesome club a i think it is brill.

Student, Sofia, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019

Very fun!

I had a fun time and I am probably going to come back soon, I can't wait to do more Python!

Student, Vivaan, 9
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019


pushed my limits to my fullest and was really nice.

Student, Arjun, 9
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019

Python Coder Review

This week, I was at the python coder camp and I had lots of fun. I improved my python skills and learnt a lot such as while loops and the input function. We watched videos and learnt from them. Our teacher, Sandeep taught us very well and we learnt from our mistakes. He also gave us difficult challe


Student, Marcus, 15
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
23 August, 2019

Pthyon Coder Review

in the week that I was at fun-tech I didn't know to much about coding in python, but my tutor was really supporting and helped me to learn so much more than I thought I could. in the course it was set really well it had the video's describing what were are going to do and than showed us the an examp


Student, Alexander, 15
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

Useful, but overpriced!

The course taught me the Python basics simply and intuitively, which I can mostly put down to the skilled tutorship of Laura, and Louis when she was ill. As per my experience with the Roblox course, however, the videos were few and far between, so the tutors carried the course on almost every occasi


Student, Isaac, 14
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


I would totally recommend this camp. The coding was great and I learned so much every day. In the break times there were great outdoor group activities, such as table tennis, capture the flag, football, or you could just chat with friends. The coding was really fun and the instructors would always


Student, Daniel, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


I was on the python course and I liked the teacher as they taught me lots of projects like Rock, Paper, Scissors and how to sort numbers from highest to lowest. Overall it was a great experience as i made lots of friends and learnt a lot so I would recommenced this place to anyone.YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Student, Dorothy, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

Great camp

I had such a fun week. I learnt a lot and created loads of cool programs.

Student, Magnus, 13
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019



Student, Solomon, 8
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


Amazing camp! I really enjoyed learning about functions, modules, branching and everything else in python.

Student, *ninja, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


ThIs was really FuN

Student, Theo, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


The only bad thing about Funtech is the name. The tutors are amazing, I have been having a very good time, I have learned a lot, had a lot of fun and still have been doing some exercise. I have created an RPG which works well and has functioning attack and a maze and lots of randomizer in chests, be


Student, Ademide, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

It was Awesome!!

The course i did was Python Coder. The course was great, but the useless web was amazing. Its a website that generates random websites that have no use(I brought it up).There was also someone who kept saying Edamame, so we nicknamed him that(Edamame is a soy bean). In all, the camp was great.

Student, Jjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzz, the camp was good, 0
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

Snaky snakes

The camp was very good. I did learn a lot of things about PYTHON CODER. We played music and had a lot of fun. Our tutor was very nice and kind. Although I had a lot of fun, somethings were hard to understand as everything was explained by videos.

Student, Ariana, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

yaass queen

i cAn aCtuAllY nOw dO pYtHon i aM sHoOkEtH. mY iNstRucToR eVa wAs amAzing. I hAd tHe moSt fuN tiMe lEarNing PyThOn. i HigHly reCcoMend, ps pLaY MiNinG dIamOndS mIneCrAfT ParOdY iN tHe mIdDle oF thE cLasS. aNd sEt yoUr pyChaRm bAckgRound tO jAmeS cHarLes tHen You'Ll hAve ThE mOsT aMaZInG tImE EveRRR


Student, Rarjun, 8
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

print("BEST COMP AVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")


Student, Layi, 13
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

Calm week

Are teacher was very fun and we learned. I really enjoyed it i met a lot of funny and interesting people. It was calm

Student, Vrishin, 13
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


I have learned a lot of new things as well as enjoying it . The tutors make it very fun and we do a lot of activities and tasks . we also learn from basic to complicated so you don't need to know anything to start with. Overall I really enjoy FunTech and I would advice you to go as well.

Student, Hashim, 12
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

Great Week

It has been very fun and helpful to learn Python.

Student, Itamar, 13
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

Very Cool

This camp was so fun because it taught me things that I never knew. I believe that on the up-coming years I will appreciate this camp lots. I really recommend this camp for kids that want to be inspired by coding. This camp deserves a 5 star review

Student, Lucas, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

phenomenall week

it has been a informative and interactive journey through my week of code.

Student, Cameron, 11
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019


I really enjoyed this week because I learnt so much about python and can't wait to use these skills at home.
The staff here are very friendly and helped me learn so much.

Student, Inigo, 9
In-Person Camp
Python - Coder
22 August, 2019

print("BEST CAMP IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

The best in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!